Thursday 2 February 2012

How to avoid job stress

While working in an organisation you get to meet a number of people. These people have varied nature, attitude and understanding ability. You might like some of them or not and in many cases they would not accept you. But, still you have to cope up with the environment and keep on working. I am not asking you to pressurise yourself for being there but, you should at least try and adjust in it. Such kind of people and work environment are almost everywhere today whether you are a part of Govt jobs in Delhi or private sector of Delhi jobs. So, leaving the job is certainly not the solution rather you should try and fight with the situation by making adjustments from both the sides. You should not let the office stress affect your health and your personal life. Following are few of the points, by which you can avoid stress at work:

1-Don’t indulge yourself into office politics. Simply work and go back home
2-Work with all the dedication. Don’t give your boss a single chance to point a finger on you because of work
3-Try and ignore insignificant talks at work. Ignorance is bliss, but if it is disturbing you too much then go and directly speak to the person   who is irritating you. Clarifying things at once helps!
4-If you would concentrate whole heartedly on work, then it would be very easy for you to manage the work efficiently and avoid any tensions.
5-Even after following all above, you are facing any problems in office then speak to your boss. Ask him to find a solution for you, as it is his most important task to manage his team

These are the basic pointers. But, your reactions are bound to vary as per situations therefore think before you act and act wisely. 

Author: Gurleen Kaur

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