Monday 17 September 2012

Results and Benefits Count!

Everywhere whether in school, college or office the end results are what matters. Regardless of the fact how much hard work you have put in, if you have not achieved good results you are not going to be appreciated by the people around. Its true experience matters a lot but, in work environment you either win or lose, there is no mid way out. If you have completed your targets then you are promoted otherwise you stay where you are. In bank jobs or govt. jobs or jobs for freshers, you have to do a fair job towards your responsibilities, and then only you are termed as a winner. Employees which make huge benefits for the organist are considered as the cream of the company and are therefore given respective benefits.

When you go for a job interview these days, your accomplishments and tasks matter the most, the years you have spent in the work industry are not given much importance. For example if a writer has gone for an interview he is not supposed to tell the years he has spent in the industry, he would be asked for the number of articles he has published till date and with which publications. It is said successful people talk with numbers rather than using adjectives like passionate and innovative. They are expected to present their achievements till date in a humble way. 

Arrogance and attitude are negative elements which spoils the entire personality of a successful person. Intelligent people talk humbly and present themselves in a sophisticated manner. Same ways if you going for an interview for jobs for freshers, then all you need to be confident and behave politely with the interviewer. Also, being a fresher you only have your knowledge and skills to impress so act smartly to grab the job.

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