Monday 24 September 2012

Traditional companies recruiting more IT professionals

It’s good news for entry level IT professionals. If you have completed your studies in IT subjects, then gear up to land a variety of fresher jobs. Recruitment is slow for the IT companies. Even many IT companies are cutting down on hiring and firing the existing ones. However, the Non-tech companies are coming with many employment openings for IT professionals. With technology becoming the backbone and dependence growing, non-IT companies are hiring tech candidates. Candidates’ fresh out of college can apply for fresher jobs in these enterprises.

A recruitment platform presented positive picture in employment and jobs scenarios for the non-technical background. In a study conducted across 23 industry verticals and including 1,241 companies, it was found that a total of 117,895 people were recruited. Industry vertical did not include IT. Even HR experts confirmed this positive graph in hiring in the non-tech background. HR from companies said that they have witnessed a demand in skilled personnel for non-IT enterprises.

Fresher jobs are available in areas including the following:
  1. Desktop support
  2. Network administration
  3. Database management
  4. Windows administration
  5. Telecom support
  6. Business intelligence
  7. Wireless network management
Even in the domain of e-commerce and ERP implementation, many jobs for freshers are available. The sectors which showed a rise in hiring in the last six months of 2012 are retail, Manufacturing, BFSI, FMCG, telecom, real estate and automotive.

The increasing dependence of technology in every sector has resulted in such a trend in hiring. New marketing tools like online marketing and media campaigns require the help of skilled tech professionals. Other areas like mobile payment, branding, and customer and supplier relationship activities are largely dependent on technology. To reduce the marketing costs, traditional enterprises are also hiring skilled tech candidates.

Monday 17 September 2012

Results and Benefits Count!

Everywhere whether in school, college or office the end results are what matters. Regardless of the fact how much hard work you have put in, if you have not achieved good results you are not going to be appreciated by the people around. Its true experience matters a lot but, in work environment you either win or lose, there is no mid way out. If you have completed your targets then you are promoted otherwise you stay where you are. In bank jobs or govt. jobs or jobs for freshers, you have to do a fair job towards your responsibilities, and then only you are termed as a winner. Employees which make huge benefits for the organist are considered as the cream of the company and are therefore given respective benefits.

When you go for a job interview these days, your accomplishments and tasks matter the most, the years you have spent in the work industry are not given much importance. For example if a writer has gone for an interview he is not supposed to tell the years he has spent in the industry, he would be asked for the number of articles he has published till date and with which publications. It is said successful people talk with numbers rather than using adjectives like passionate and innovative. They are expected to present their achievements till date in a humble way. 

Arrogance and attitude are negative elements which spoils the entire personality of a successful person. Intelligent people talk humbly and present themselves in a sophisticated manner. Same ways if you going for an interview for jobs for freshers, then all you need to be confident and behave politely with the interviewer. Also, being a fresher you only have your knowledge and skills to impress so act smartly to grab the job.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

IT Jobs in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi, the capital of UAE lies on an island that juts into the Persian Gulf. About 80% expatriates live here. Although, the oil sector is the main industry in the UAE which is responsible for the huge financial prosperity enjoyed in Abu Dhabi, recently the government has come up with several new projects to help in economic diversification and help to lower down the oil dependence.  A broad range of IT jobs in Abu Dhabi resulted due to this strategy and became accessible in many different sectors that included insurance, banking, financial services, tourism, consultancy, and telecom and development of software.

For the wide variety of IT jobs in Abu Dhabi, one needs to be fairly educated and should be technically skilled with good communication skills as well. Proper knowledge of English is very important in this sector. Among the technology students and professionals, the aspiration of finding good IT jobs in Abu Dhabi, is very high. These jobs not only pay well but also enhance the prospects of people applying them. Besides the IT jobs in Abu Dhabi, a lot of other jobs are also available in many more sectors such as engineering, oil exploration, biochemist, teaching, education, health, nursing, microbiology, etc. Most of the IT jobs in Abu Dhabi are available for people who are in the science and technology sector. There has also been a sudden surge of jobs like administration, bookkeeping, record keeping in Abu Dhabi which do not require very high qualifications.

Academic qualifications and relative work experience is what is required from the candidates who wish to make a career in Abu Dhabi. One should therefore create resumes that mainly focus on industry relevant skills and experience. Any experience of working in the Middle East or the ability to speak in their language can prove to be added advantages while applying for IT jobs in Abu Dhabi.

Part time jobs are also available in Abu Dhabi for people who are unable to dedicate the whole day to their job or prefer flexible working hours. Mostly students, housewives or people with other responsibilities prefer such jobs. They can do such jobs on a part time basis, can also take up projects or get paid for jobs on an hourly basis. A variety of IT jobs in Abu Dhabi are also available for people working from home. There are several opportunities in the banking and finance sectors as well where IT graduates are required. Also a numbers of banks, national as well as international and financial institutions have openings for both freshers as well as experienced people.

For those thinking of shifting to a place where they can have a high living standard and an environment free from tax, then Abu Dhabi is the place for them. It’s a city where one can have a good life and enjoy the good things that life has to offer. Also its close proximity to Dubai makes it an ideal destination for the people of the Middle East.