Monday 20 May 2013

Jumpstart your career by learning a new language

In today's world, knowing more than one language can help you to obtain any type of job or position you desire, especially if you plan to work in a diverse and multicultural working environment. The more languages you know fluently, the better your chances are of being hired by an employer whose first language may not be English himself.

The benefits of learning additional languages for work

Learning another language for the workplace is a way to increase your desirability professionally, especially if you want to work for a company that is diverse and works with others who speak different languages. Having another language under your belt shows that you have taken the time to commit to learn languages fluently, which shows responsibility and your dedication to reaching and connecting others whose native language is not English.

Aside from knowing a second language being an obvious resume booster in appeal, it will also help you to connect with clients and potential customers, excelling your career even more in any industry. Having the ability to effectively communicate with clients and customers is a way to gain an advantage over individuals who are working professionally in the same industry but are limited to only having the skills to read, write and speak English. The more diverse your base of knowledge is, the more likely you are to be hired for a position that handles international business.

Knowing a second or third language is also a way to expand the number of career opportunities you have available professionally, especially if you plan to travel for business or if you are even seeking a position as a translator. When you have a variety of work experience, you become a more in-demand candidate, making it easier to obtain the positions you desire, even if they are extremely competitive and full-time.

Learning another language for work can easily help you to become promoted while earning raises quicker than other individuals who are working for the same company. The more knowledge you have when communicating with clients and customers, the more respect you will gain from your employers and hiring managers when you are seeking an even better paying position.

The most popular languages in the Job Market today

The most widely spoken language after English is currently Spanish, making it extremely beneficial to learn. However, due to the increase in partnerships working professionally in China, learning to speak, read and write in Mandarin is also highly recommended. Portuguese, German, Dutch and even French are highly recommended if you are planning to work for a company that conducts international business regularly, as these areas are expanding and growing at the fastest rates.

Choosing the right language for your workplace greatly depends on the type of business you are in and the work that is being conducted. It is important to assess the perks and advantages of learning each language individually before you make your decision.

Speaking directly with your current employer and assessing the market you plan to work for in the future will also allow you to gain the insight you need to make the right decision when learning a second or third language.

How long does it take to learn a new language fluently?

Learning to speak an entirely new language fluently often requires at least 10,000 hours, especially if you want to master the language and have the ability to read and write it along with speaking it. Although 10,000 hours is a rough estimate over decades of research, the more time you spend in the language's native country or learning the language on your own, the easier it will become to speak it, interpret it and even read and write it regularly.

Learning a language while working and the resources available

Learning a new language while you are working is possible by utilizing both online and offline resources that are made readily available. Some employers may also provide additional programs and tools for employees who are interested in understanding a second or third language, especially if the lessons will ultimately help to contribute to the growth of the company.

Jump-starting your career by learning a new language will allow you to outshine other individuals who may be vying for the same position as you, especially when the language you learn is beneficial to your employer and the company you are working for at the time. The more languages you fluently understand and can communicate with, the more job opportunities you will ultimately have in your future.

Author bio:

Jose Sanchez works as expert Resume Writer & Career Advisor since 1999. Writing and sharing contents related to: Resume Tools, Samples of Resume, Job Interviews, and Cover Letters. He collaborates with various blogs, providing tips and informative how-to guides. Owner of

Monday 1 April 2013

Why Submit a Cover Letter?

Cover Letter is an essential document requiring sending along with resume. Read why jobseekers should do so.

Rashmi found an exciting new job opening and she submitted her updated resume. Her resume has the current job details, earlier job, and education information. What about her cover letter? Is it necessary to write a cover letter when you have spent time in updating the resume? Is there any case where applying for a job without a cover letter will do.
Cover Letter

One of the noted career experts, Evelyn Salvador is of the opinion that cover letter is important document in job application. He says that skipping the cover letter means you miss out a chance to sell yourself. He is the author of Step-by-Step Cover Letters: Build a Cover Letter in 10 Easy Steps Using Personal Branding.

Believing his wisdom, you should know that a cover letter is important document with a resume. This document helps in brand building of jobseekers. It is in the same way an advertising company endorses a brand’s product. A resume with a cover letter helps in winning the interview stage and maximize in salaries of potential jobseeker. It can be said that among the job applications received, candidates with cover letter is preferred more.

Another career and resume-writing expert, Betty Corrado says that a cover letter is a tool that improves the job search. You know that a good resume is important to sell your skills to potential employers. Adding to this marketing package, the cover letter is essential. The cover letter is helps in brand building.
Addition of cover letter also helps in including information that seems out of place in a resume. Resume is essentially a document that includes facts. In a cover letter, a jobseeker can add names of referral, explanation of tricky situations such as changing careers or relocation reasons.

A cover letter may take time and effort, but in the end, you will receive an edge over other jobseekers for the same opening. Think about it.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

HR Jobs - The Art to Manage People!

Are you a person who is good at dealing with people? Do you have the right approach to build rapport with people? If yes, then a career in human resource (HR) is the apt option for you. HR Jobs are in great demand in almost every organization, whether small or large. The functioning of any organization cannot be imagined without an HR department, which plays a crucial role in managing one of the most important resources in the company- Human Resource. 

HR Jobs
HR Jobs is all about managing people (human resource) and work them towards the achievement of the organizational goal. It is an art that requires soft skills to deal with people. A wide range of responsibilities associated with the job include hiring employees, training staff, compensation and benefits, salary processing, firing, employee retention, managing employee grievances, motivating, etc. HR professionals are considered as the backbone of the company, which also acts as a mediator between the employee and the company. 

These jobs offer a bright career to both the fresher and experienced employee. Salary offered is attractive and depends on the qualifications, work experience, employer, and job location. The demand for HR professionals has increased in India with an increase in the number of new and expanding companies. Consequently, more students in India pursue courses in the field. As per interest, various areas of specialization can be chosen by aspiring students. Various specializations include labor relations, recruitment & selection, training & development, motivation, compensation & benefit, retention, and industrial relations. Different job titles offered in the field include Placement or Hiring Manager, Compensation Manager, HR Generalist, HR Manager in Training & Development, Technical Recruiter, Employee Relations Manager, etc.

In India, a plethora of institutes offer diploma, certificate and postgraduate courses in human resource. Some of the reputed colleges in India include MIT Institute of Design, Pune; Symbiosis Institute of Business Management (SIBM), Pune; MDI Gurgaon, Indian Institute of Management (IIMs), etc.

So, get ready to grab a lucrative HR job in different sectors like Information Technology, financial services, government organizations, media houses, hotels, educational institutes, e-business, hospitality and manufacturing industry.

Thursday 28 February 2013

Useful Tips for Resume Writing

We all know how important our resume is at the time of applying for a job. Being the first point of contact with your recruiter, resume says a lot about you! It is a medium that helps a recruiter to shortlist the candidate. Hence, it becomes extremely important to draft your resume in the best possible manner. Here are some tips on resume format that can prove helpful to you.

Resume Writing Services
No doubt, factors like work experience, educational background, and skills are major in getting your dream job. However, a successful search for job also requires a suitable approach, which includes a well drafted resume. Correct presentation of all the required information in resume helps you to get shortlisted for the interview call. Few things that you must consider while formatting your resume includes:

1.      Bulleted Information: This helps the recruiter to go through the relevant details about you at a glance to the resume. It minimizes the chances of making your resume go unnoticed among a large number of job applications available with the recruiter.

2.      Highlight Unique Information: Mention unique information in resume that distinguishes it from your competitor. Try to avoid exaggerated mention of your strengths and weaknesses. 

3.      Correct Format: Use appropriate and set standard of font size, page length, and suitable heading for writing an attractive resume.

4.      Usage of correct words: Make your resume attractive by using powerful and appropriate words.

5.      Objective of Resume: Keep the objective of resume in mind and format it as per the requirement of the job applied.

6.      Review your Resume: It is extremely crucial to review your resume to avoid ant mistake. 

Getting a job in this competitive world is not an easy task. Moreover, there is no sure shot formula for it. However, a right approach can prove fruitful. So, do not let go any opportunity to grab your dream job and start with writing and formatting a perfect resume!