Monday 1 April 2013

Why Submit a Cover Letter?

Cover Letter is an essential document requiring sending along with resume. Read why jobseekers should do so.

Rashmi found an exciting new job opening and she submitted her updated resume. Her resume has the current job details, earlier job, and education information. What about her cover letter? Is it necessary to write a cover letter when you have spent time in updating the resume? Is there any case where applying for a job without a cover letter will do.
Cover Letter

One of the noted career experts, Evelyn Salvador is of the opinion that cover letter is important document in job application. He says that skipping the cover letter means you miss out a chance to sell yourself. He is the author of Step-by-Step Cover Letters: Build a Cover Letter in 10 Easy Steps Using Personal Branding.

Believing his wisdom, you should know that a cover letter is important document with a resume. This document helps in brand building of jobseekers. It is in the same way an advertising company endorses a brand’s product. A resume with a cover letter helps in winning the interview stage and maximize in salaries of potential jobseeker. It can be said that among the job applications received, candidates with cover letter is preferred more.

Another career and resume-writing expert, Betty Corrado says that a cover letter is a tool that improves the job search. You know that a good resume is important to sell your skills to potential employers. Adding to this marketing package, the cover letter is essential. The cover letter is helps in brand building.
Addition of cover letter also helps in including information that seems out of place in a resume. Resume is essentially a document that includes facts. In a cover letter, a jobseeker can add names of referral, explanation of tricky situations such as changing careers or relocation reasons.

A cover letter may take time and effort, but in the end, you will receive an edge over other jobseekers for the same opening. Think about it.

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