Monday 22 October 2012

Make an Impressive Bio Data to Get the Interview Call

The first step to get that interview call is to make an impressive Bio Data. A Bio Data or a resume is the quintessential document that lands you your dream job. There are many formats of writing your bio date. If you are a fresher, then highlight your co curricular activities more as you do not have an employment experience. And if you have gained work experience and have a success record of accomplishment, highlight them in your resume.

A well-written Bio data lands you your first job or that dream jobs you are waiting for. The bio data (resume) should always be accompanied by a cover letter. These two documents are necessary while applying your dream job.

You know that your resume is impressive when you get a interview call from your prospective employer. Interview with the potential employer may prove to be success of you Bio data, which is created a positive impression.

You have taken great pains to write that perfect resume. The next step is to crack the interview. Read along to keep these simple yet effective tips for that perfect interview.

1.       First impression is the last impression- We all believe in this saying. This is very true for job interviews. The way you dress, your personality and the way of communicate with the interviewer/s are some of the important factors that create a lasting impression. These factors can create either a positive impression or a negative one.

2.       Never ever be late for the interview- Just as a late sending of bio data has no results, similarly coming late for interview is serious blunder. Do not ever arrive late for an interview. If there is an abrupt delay and you cannot do anything about it then call the company and provide the reason for being late. Also, cite them the expected time of your arrival.

3.       Switch of your mobile phones -Do not answer your cell phone during the interview. Keep in mind that your interview is important at that moment. Keep your cell phone in silent mode and if possible switch it off during the interview.

4.       No negative comments- Do not speak negative about your previous employer. Regardless of what the current situation you are facing in the company, always speak positive about the employer. 

5.       Answer what is asked - Do not talk too much in the interview. Learn to listen to your potential employer. Give a brief about yourself and your work. Do not hide anything to your employer. Write correct facts about yourself in the bio data.

6.       No Salary discussions at the start of interview - Do not jump into the discussion of salary and other benefits from the company. Only when the interviewer asks questions related to this raise your queries.

7If there are further rounds of interview scheduled then never ask questions related to salaries in the first instance.

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