Tuesday 21 August 2012

Working Away From Office!

According to a survey done recently, working remotely or away from the office premises have resulted in more productivity of the employees. A large number of employees working in companies like Microsoft, WIPRO careers, stated that they are able to work more productively and efficiently when working from outside office. Many offices in India and abroad have this flexibility in work arrangements because of which there is no space for monotonous feeling. 

The change in the work space and the work area acts a big booster and motivate employees for better performance. Working from home acts a great relaxation to employees and saves their traveling time and energy. Getting more time to relax and doing away with the tiredness of traveling, working from home has turned out to be really profitable option for many companies. 

But, a large number of companies do not support this practice and expect their employees to work in the office premises only. Giving space to employees and letting them feel free is important to yield best benefits from their skills. This need to be understood by the companies and many organizations are required to make changes in their working environments and policies. In case of jobs for freshers, it is OK for their starting years as they are new to working space and yet to learn the office norms and techniques. But, for the experienced employees, working from home should be given as a choice. People working as creative writers or designers need their space to let their thoughts flow and give best results at work. 

Also, the distance from work to home has increased a lot due to shifting of office space to NCR regions of bigger cities. In such cases, options for working away from office or flexible timings act as an asset not only for the employee but for the employer as well.