Thursday 29 September 2011

Banking jobs in India building a lucrative path towards success

Building a progressive career is the first thing; we all concentrate on in our life. From the time we reach class XI and choose the field to study, our journey towards success starts. Depending on the field of study, our further career progress goes and step by step, we keep on selecting our areas of specialisation. There are humongous career fields, wherein you can invest your talent and proceed with the same as your career field. One of the fields, which is highly challenging and tests your capability at each and every level, is Banking and finance. Our country witnesses the presence of a number of Banks, due to which it offers abundance of banking jobs in India. Of all the cities in India, Chennai jobs are highly talked about, as far as the banking jobs in India are concerned.

Jobs in Chennai are available in a number of fields like IT, automotive sector, banking and financial institutions, pharmaceutical sector, etc. If you are looking for a Job in Chennai then, job in the banking sector can prove to be beneficial. Few of the banking and financial institutions facilitating Chennai jobs are:

·         State Bank of Travancore
·         State Bank of Mysore
·         Dena Bank
·         Andhra Bank
·         World Bank
·         Indian Overseas Bank
·         Union Bank of India
·         United western Bank
·         ICICI Bank
·         Laxmi Vilas Bank
·         South India Bank

These banks have respective tests, which then allow you take a job in Chennai. Other than the capital city of Tamil Nadu, cities like Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Mumbai, Chandigarh, Kerala, also offers extensive job opportunities in the field of banking. So, if you have the right calibre and will for the job, then you can easily apply the job of your choice in any part of the country. 

Friday 23 September 2011

Banks offering jobs in Bangalore

Career in banking from ages has been regarded as the safest option to shape a better future. We all have been brought up in an atmosphere, where education is the foremost thing in our lives. From childhood, we are asked to choose our goals and work accordingly. Out of all the fields, career in banking and finance are preferred by a large chunk of people. Bank jobs in India at the same time, are also given a lot of respect and if you are working in the same, then your salary is also quite handsome. The banking and finance sector in India have grown in a great way, thereby, producing more of bank jobs in India. Out of few of the major cities, where you find a good banking job is Bangalore. The city offers a number of opportunities under the name of bank jobs in Bangalore.

Along with a number of IT companies, Bangalore jobs have abundance of bank jobs in the city, with the presence of Banks lik
·         The Karnataka State Co-Operative Apex Bank Ltd
·         Bangalore City Cooperative bank.
·         United Bank of India
·         Central Bank of India
·         Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank Limited
·         Bank of India
·         UP Agro Bank Corporation LTD
·         HDFC Bank
·         Vijaya Bank
·         Bank of Maharashtra
For doing bank jobs in India, there are few tests and consequent rounds which you need to clear.
There are various levels of jobs, which are given to you as per your experience and qualification.
Also, you should have an intellectual approach towards life and must be able to handle crisis 
situations.You should be a team builder and must be able to go well with the team and appreciate
 their work and talent. Having all these traits and right qualification, Bangalore jobs are not at
 all a tough nut to crack.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Job consultants in Demand

Hiring process is known to be very exhausting and tiring process. An employer has to go through a number of resumes before finalising the appropriate one. Recruitment process is a long one, which not only tests the job seeker, but also tests the patience of the employer. Being a job seeker we are always on a look out for a better opportunity, in the same way recruiters are searching for a good candidature to fill in their vacant post. But, many a times, both of them fail in finding the perfect match. One medium, which is making this search easy and connecting both the recruiters and the job seekers, is the job consultants. 

Job consultants have become very popular in today’s fast growing world, as they help the employer in making their recruitment process easier and vice versa. They have bunch of resumes, out of which they select the best ones and help the companies in their hiring process. Job consultants are hired as outsourcing agents by most of the renowned organisations, which eases their burden of hiring. They not only make the recruitment a cake walk for the employer, but also help the candidates in searching the best possible job matching their capabilities. 

Job consultants provide guidance to the candidates and help them in shaping up their resume in the professional way. They increase chances of the candidates manifold in grabbing the job of their dreams. There are a number of agencies constituted by a bunch of job consultants, whose services can be hired by you for refining your career growth. Many job consultants also work as freelancers and both of their contacts can be searched on internet. So, if you want a speedy growth in your career and can’t get through good companies, then you can knock the door of the placement firms, they will surely help you land at the right place, at the right time with better pay package.

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Resume format for freshers

Resume is the first thing that portrays your personality and your professional excellence in front of the recruiters. Therefore, it should be produced very carefully, keeping all the important points in mind. Every job type demands different resume format, for which different resume samples can be found on the net. Here in this blog, we will discuss about the resume format for freshers, which is also the basic format for all the type of resumes.
Here you need to put your full name, may not be your birth name. You must mention the correct spellings of your name.

Full address of your home should be mentioned here as follows:
City name, State, Zip code
Mobile number:
Email id: (Make sure that the ID should be professional)


In this section you need to make the recruiter clear about your career goals and the objectives you want to achieve. This would include short terms as well as your long term career plans.

This section demands a brief description about you as a person, your educational achievements, special skills and other qualifications.
Education is the only thing which gets considered when it comes to a fresher resume. Details of merits accomplished, school name, place, board appeared for, university, each and everything should be mentioned. All these details should be properly formatted, so that it gives a neat look to the resume.

This again forms a significant part of the fresher resume, because here you highlight the skills possessed by you. Languages known, computer skills and creative league should be mentioned if there are any.

This might include the internships or the trainings done by you. Areas of work handled during this period should be mentioned.

At the end of the resume, you should mention personal details. Father’s name, mother’s name and their occupations need to be written to give a picture about your family background to the recruiter. .